Using Shivoo
What does Shivoo do?
Shivoo is a hiring platform helping families find caregivers for special needs children and adults.
How does your search work?
After you login, you select your search criteria. Shivoo will display profiles that correspond with your needs. You can choose to contact those caregivers or you can search again.
How can I sign up and start using your service?
Use this link to sign up today.
How much does Shivoo cost and how long can I use it?
Unlimited access to Shivoo costs $20 per month or $199 per year. You can cancel at any time.
Can I choose our caregiver or am I assigned a match?
You choose. Shivoo displays profiles that meet your search criteria. All profiles include contact information that you can use to set up an interview.
What qualifications or experience do your caregivers have?
Some staff candidates may have direct experience working with individuals with disabilities or a background in an adjacent field. Because each family’s needs are unique, a successful caregiver partnership is often dependent less on their hard skills than on social and emotional competencies, as well as proactive caregiver training from the family. New York State has no required certification for Community Habilitation (“Com Hab”) or Respite workers, however all staff in the Shivoo directory complete an informational workshop prior to entering our database.
Is there a limit to the potential staff that I can contact or interview?
Can I get my Shivoo subscription reimbursed from my Self Direction budget?
Yes. Check with your broker and agency about “staff advertising / recruitment costs” that are classified in family budgets as OTPS (Other Than Personal Services). If you are a client of Susan or Chancy, please note: Shivoo is a voluntary subscription resource to find staff independently from brokers. Susan and Chancy will also search their staff databases to support their clients’ needs.
Do we need to be approved for Self Direction to use Shivoo?
Shivoo’s directory is open to all, regardless of your participation in New York State services. Individuals approved for Self Direction and traditional services can find help through Shivoo, as can families who are self-funding.
Any tips for searching for candidates?
Fewer filters often yield more results.
• For example, leave the Fiscal Intermediary (F.I.), Days, Age or Position Type fields blank to cast a wider net.
• Experiment with omitting non-essential filters to uncover hidden talent you might otherwise miss.
Consider Candidates Outside Your F.I.
• Don’t limit your search to caregivers already affiliated with your F.I. If a candidate looks promising, onboarding them can often be worth the effort.
• Alternatively, trial a caregiver by paying out-of-pocket for a few weeks. Families enrolled in Self Direction may be reimbursed for these expenses.
Look Beyond Your Immediate Area
• Consider candidates outside your precise area — they may be willing to commute.
• Ask candidates who may not be a fit if they know someone else who might be. Caregivers often share opportunities within their network.
Can I search for a candidate by name?
Currently, Shivoo does not have an open search field for names. Instead, you can use our filter criteria to narrow down the directory based on your needs, such as location, availability, and other qualifications.
However, here’s a helpful workaround if you are looking for a specific name:
1. Use filters to refine your search results as much as possible.
2. Click “See More” at the bottom of the directory until the full list of profiles is loaded.
3. Use your browser’s “Find” function (Ctrl+F or Command+F) to search for the name within the loaded profiles.
This method allows you to locate a specific candidate by name within the directory.
Can I search candidates in my city or town?
Shivoo offers filters to help you find candidates by work areas, including New York City, its suburbs, upstate regions, and beyond. While these filters allow you to narrow your search to broader areas, there isn’t an option to search all cities, towns or neighborhoods directly.
Here’s a helpful trick to pinpoint a specific locality:
1. Use the location filter to refine your search to the general area.
2. Click “See More” at the bottom of the directory until the full list of profiles is loaded.
3. Use your browser’s “Find” function (Ctrl+F or Command+F) to search for the town or area name within the loaded profiles.
This method helps you locate candidates in your specific locality.
What developmental disabilities can your caregivers support?
Our directory includes staff who can provide direct support to individuals with a range of intellectual / developmental disabilities. New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities recognizes “intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome and other neurological impairments.”
Our Community Habilitation Staff will work on the goals set by the Individual and/or their Circle of Support. Respite Staff can also provide temporary relief to other caregivers.
Where can I access my invoices?
It's easy to download monthly invoices from your profile.
1. Log In to your Shivoo account.
2. Select Profile from the menu at the top of the page.
3. Select Billing.
4. Download an invoice by clicking the downward-facing arrow.
How do I cancel my subscription?
1. Log In to your Shivoo account.
2. Select Profile from the menu at the top of the page.
3. Select Plan.
4. Select Cancel subscription.
Caregiving Staff
What types of special needs can your caregivers support?
Our directory includes staff who can provide direct support to individuals with a range of intellectual / developmental disabilities. New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities recognizes “intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome and other neurological impairments.”
Our Community Habilitation Staff will work on the goals set by the Individual and/or their Circle of Support. Respite Staff can also provide temporary relief to other caregivers.
What services can I find staff for?
The staff in our directory are identified as providers of Community Habilitation (“Com Hab”) or Respite care — or both.
Do the caregivers listed on your site work for Shivoo?
No. All care partners in our network are independent and ready to be hired directly by a family or a social services agency / Fiscal Intermediary.
How long does on-boading a new staff person take?
For families that are participating in services through New York’s OPWDD, the on-boarding process for a new staff person can take up to four weeks in order to complete background checks and other requirements. If you choose self payment, you can set the timing.
Who will pay the staff?
If you live in New York State and currently receive services through the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), your caregiving staff may be paid through your family’s budget of Medicaid funding. Contact your Fiscal Intermediary (FI) to on-board new staff and establish payment terms. Please note that individuals needing care must be approved for an OPWDD Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver in order for the government to pay for caregiving services.
Alternatively, you may pay staff directly out of pocket at your discretion.
What hourly rate do staff charge?
Rates vary by individual, but they typically range from $15/hour to $40/hour. If you receive support through New York State services, speak to your Fiscal Intermediary (FI) to confirm what rates are approved for your circumstance and budget. If you are paying your staff with a Fiscal Intermediary, it allows a maximum of 40 hours a week per caregiver.
If you are self paying (out of pocket), you can set the rate and hours.
What qualifications or experience do your caregivers have?
Some staff candidates may have direct experience working with individuals with disabilities or a background in an adjacent field. Because each family’s needs are unique, a successful caregiver partnership is often dependent less on their hard skills than on social and emotional competencies, as well as proactive caregiver training from the family. New York State has no required certification for Community Habilitation (“Com Hab”) or Respite workers, however all staff in the Shivoo directory complete an informational workshop prior to entering our database.
Safety & Best Practices
How do you ensure the safety of my loved one?
Shivoo connects its paid users with prospective staff and assumes no liability toward either party. We do not conduct background checks, criminal checks or reference checks on staff. Please read our Terms of Use closely.
For those who qualify for Medicaid benefits through New York State’s Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and enroll in Self Direction, a Fiscal Intermediary agency is required to perform fingerprinting and several background checks on prospective staff. These checks include:
Staff Exclusion List (SEL): Names of individuals found responsible for serious or repeated acts of abuse and neglect in New York State. Additional information:
Criminal Background Check (CBC): The New York State Justice Center reviews the applicant’s criminal history, and makes an initial determination on whether the applicant can be considered for hire for the position. Additional information:
Mental Hygiene Law 16.34 (MHL 16.34): A search of records provided by previous employers in New York State’s OPWDD service system of substantiated allegations of abuse and serious neglect by a prospective employee or volunteer.
Statewide Central Registry Database Check (SCR). Searching records of child abuse and maltreatment.
What if I have any concerns or issues with the caregiver I hired?
Our model is to offer paid users access to open-to-work caregivers. We do not facilitate any working relationships. Employers are responsible for the ongoing management of employees.
For employers who qualify for New York’s Medicaid-funded OPWDD HCBS program, their Fiscal Intermediary (FI) agency may provide support for staffing challenges.
Will there be ongoing support or supervision for the caregiver?
Shivoo does not provide supervision or training for caregivers. Our model is to offer paid users access to a open-to-work caregivers, but we do not facilitate that relationship.
For staff paid through New York’s Medicaid-funded OPWDD HCBS program, the employer’s Fiscal Intermediary (FI) agency may provide staff annual training and on-going supervision.